(SECAS) Reg.No.K.272/11 2011 c/o School of Enviornmental Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam Priyadarshini Hills, Kottayam-0686560, Kerala, India
Society of Environmental Chemistry and Allied Sciences (Secas) is an autonomous, non-profit making organization, devoted to strengthen the research in Environmental Chemistry, and related scientific fields in India. It is established in 2011.

“Unveiling of the logo of SECAS by Prof.B.S.M.Rao (IISER, Pune) in the inaugural ceremony of the
Second International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes, on Oct.6,2012 in Kottayam. Also seen are (from right) Dr.M.Sahoo (NEHU, Shillong), Prof.A.P.Thomas (ACESSD, M.G.University), Dr.Rajan Varugees (Pro Vice-Chancellor, MG.University), Dr.T.Mukherjee (Director, Chemistry Group,BARC), and Prof.C.T.Aravindakumar”
- To identify, promote and cultivate excellence in environmental / chemical / biological science and technology all over India
- To foster cutting edge research in the field of Environmental Chemistry with a special emphasis on water technologies based on Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP)
- To initiate survey and research on soil, water and air pollution, and to evolve suitable remedy for the pollution.
- To initiate research on water, and waste management based on AOP
- To evolve eco-friendly technology for waste water management.
- To provide consultancy for pollution management.
- To bring-in industry-academic interactions and help establish joint ventures
- To organize lectures, conferences, seminars, workshops and similar other programs to promote awareness in all branches of chemical / biological / environmental sciences
- To establish and run educational centers, programmes or projects which will provide all forms of related education, training, research facility and support in all areas related to Environmental Chemistry
- To publish books, monographs, journals, case studies, research papers, newsletters and other publications as necessary in furtherance of the Society’s objectives
- To establish discussion groups among academics from various colleges and universities all over India for the propagation of Environmental Chemistry and issues related to environment
- To raise funds by project proposals to funding agencies, public donations, consultancy services etc for the fulfillment of the Society’s objectives
- To acquire, hold, manage and dispose of property movable or immovable including endowment properties for the purpose of the society.
- To establish State Chapters to coordinate various activities of the Society in different states of India
- And in general, undertaking such other matters from time to time as shall be deemed necessary for the attainment of the objectives of the Society.
- shall be in agreement with the objectives of the Society and shall be prepared to work for their furtherance,
- apply in the prescribed application form,
- shall pay an admission fee of Rs.100 (Rupees ) and an annual subscription of Rs. 300/- (Rupees three hundred only). Subscription shall be paid in advance in one installment in the month of January.
- Life membership of the Society can be obtained by paying a sum amount of Rs.2000 /- ; this is applicable only in the initial year of registration. This amount may subject to change in the successive years as decided by the General Body.
- Student membership shall be possible for a period of 5 years by paying a sum amount of Rs.500 /- . However, they can also take life membership
Prof. B.S.M. Rao , Pune
Vice President:
Dr. M. K. Sahoo , North Eastern Hill University
Shillong – 793 022, Meghalaya,
General Secretary:
Prof. C.T. Aravindakumar, Dean, Faculty of Environmental and
Atmospheric Sciences, School of Environmental Sciences,
Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam
Joint. Secretary:
Dr. G. Pramod, Department of Chemistry, NSS Hindu College,
Changanassery, Kerala
Dr. K. Usha., Research Coordinator, Advanced Centre of Environmental
Studies and Sustainable Development (ACESSD)-An Inter University
Centre, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam
Dr. A. Sivasamy, Scientist, Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai
Dr. Sushil K. Kansal, University Institute of Chemical Engineering & Technology, Panjab University,
Dr.R. Ramaraj, Professor, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
Dr. D.B. Naik, Scientist, BARC, Mumbai
Dr. P. Manoj, Assistant Professor, St.Michles College, Chertalai, Kerala
Dr. Indu C Nair, School of Biosciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam
Dr. Harichandran, G., University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai
Dr. Sampa Chakrabarti, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta
Dr. Amit Dhir, Thapar university, Patiala, Punjab
Dr. Kanmani S. Professor, Anna University Chennai, Chennai
Prof. J.P. Mittal, BARC, Mumbai,
Prof. BSM Rao, NCFRR, Pune
Prof. T. Mukherjee, BARC, Mumbai,
Dr. Suresh Das, NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram
Dr. S.K. Sarkar, BARC, Mumbai,
Prof. Anil Kumar Singh, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Prof. Babu Alappat, I.I.T. Delhi, New Delhi
Dr. Ramaiah D, NIIST (CSIR), Trivandrum
Prof. RAMARAJ. R, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
Prof. Tamal Mandal, NIT, Durgapur
Dr. Rajakumar, IIT, Kharagpur
Prof. M.R. Hoffmann, California Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. J. Belloni, University of Paris (S), France
Prof. Bahnemann, Germany
Prof. Wonyong Choi, POSTECH, South Korea
Prof. Mark Wiesner, Duke University, USA
Prof. Mats Johnson, Sweden
Prof. Mehmet A. Oturan, Université Paris-Est, France
Prof. Minjoong Yoon, Chungnam National University, South Korea
Prof. Remita H, Laboratoire de Chimie Physique, Univ Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
Prof. Zbigniew Kolacinski, Katedra Aparatow Elektrycznych PL , Lodz , Poland
Prof. Fedor Macášek, Professor Emeritus (Comenius University), Slovakia
Prof. Panagiotis Misaelidis, University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Prof. Alena Paulenova, Oregnon State University, USA
Dr. J.N.Sahoo, University of MALAYA